
'Gwalch Cywyddau Gwŷr'


Edited by: Dylan Foster Evans, Barry J. Lewis, Ann Parry Owen

Essay ThumbnailA collection of essays has been inspired by ‘Guto’r’, the new electronic edition of the poetry of Guto’r Glyn (fl. c.1435–90), considered by many to be the most significant Welsh poet of the fifteenth century. Experts in the history and culture of late medieval Wales were invited to contribute in their chosen language, and among the topics discussed are the manuscript transmission of the poems, history, politics, religion, the material culture of the uchelwyr, music, geography and warfare.

tt. xiv + 495 December 2013 hardback ISBN 978-1-907029-10-3

Price: £25

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  1. Trosglwyddiad Cerddi Guto'r Glyn,
    Dafydd Johnston
  2. Guto'r Glyn and the Wars of the Roses,
    Helen Fulton
  3. 'Mwy o Gymro na Iorciad',
    Rhidian Griffiths
  4. William Herbert of Raglan (d. 1469): Family History and Personal Identity,
    Dylan Foster Evans
  5. 'He took me to the duke of York': Henry Griffith, a 'Man of War',
    Adam Chapman
  6. The Poet as Social Observer: Guto'r Glyn in West Wales,
    Ralph A. Griffiths
  7. Bardd yn y Tirlun: Cymru a'i Rhanbarthau drwy Lygaid Guto'r Glyn,
    Barry J. Lewis
  8. Musical Imagery in the Poetry of Guto'r Glyn (fl. c.1435-90),
    Sally Harper
  9. 'Food and wine for all the world': Food and Drink in Fifteenth-Century Poetry,
    Alaw Mai Edwards
  10. 'Arms of stone upon my grave': Weapons in the Poetry of Guto'r Glyn,
    Jenny Day
  11. 'Llawer dyn... / Â chywydd a iachawyd': Guto'r Glyn yr Iachawr,
    Bleddyn Owen Huws
  12. The Cistercians and the Bards - Praise and Patronage in Fifteenth-Century Wales,
    Karen Stöber
  13. Late Medieval Christianity, Saints' Cults and Popular Devotional Trends: Guto'r Glyn and Fifteenth-Century Religious Culture in Britain and Europe,
    Katharine K. Olson
  14. 'Gorau merch, gorau marchawg': Gendered Ideals in the Poetry of Guto'r Glyn,
    Krista Kapphahn
  15. Creating the Architecture of Happiness in Late Medieval Wales,
    Richard Suggett
  16. 'Llif Noe yw'r llefain a wnawn': Genre ac Afonydd ym Marddoniaeth Guto'r Glyn,
    Eurig Salisbury a Hywel M. Griffiths
  17. Adeiladu Hudoliaeth: Dehongli Barddoniaeth Guto'r Glyn,
    Dylan Foster Evans