
Rheinallt ap Rhys Gruffudd, fl. c.1450

Guto composed a poem to request a horse from Maredudd ab Ifan Fychan on behalf of Rheinallt ap Rhys Gruffudd (poem 39). Nothing more is known of him other than what the poem reveals, and his lineage is unknown. No more can be said about his dates than that it is possible that he lived c.1450.

Information about him
According to the poem, Rheinallt was a ceifn ‘distant kinsman’ (21) and a nai ‘nephew’ (71) of Maredudd ab Ifan, although not too much reliance should be placed on this to define the actual relationship of the two (see 71n). The words Troellog a ddaw i’r Trallwng ‘a versatile one who will come to Welshpool’ (70) suggest that he lived in Welshpool (see note).