The domestic arrangementsThe domestic arrangements of a feast were crucial in terms of preparing and serving the food. It took months to organize a banquet such as a Christmas feast: the necessary ingredients such as spices had to be ordered for the cook, the main meat had to be selected and prepared and a vast quantity of wine had to be bought and occasionally imported. This domestic aspect of the household was mainly in the hands of the nobleman’s wife. Servants or court officials were responsible for cooking and serving the food itself: these had different roles during the feast. The cook had many servants to help him to prepare the extensive choice of sauces and dishes; other officers were in charge of serving drinks and some were simply there to welcome guests. The tableware and cooking utensils in use in this period are occasionally referred to in the poetry and Guto’r Glyn seems to enjoy the style and grandeur the wealthiest houses and abbeys had to offer. |
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